pulling his tendons taut . so how does someone move でもどうやって
like if you took a rubber band and stretched it taut across the thames まるで輪ゴムをテムズ側にピンと張ったように
when we feel this go taut , we'll take up the slack to stop you from hitting too hard . 紐がぴんと張ったら たるませていく 着地の衝撃を和らげるために
futodama immediately pulled shimenawa (a sacred rice-straw rope ) taut in front of the door of the cave , and told her not to step inside any more . すぐにフトダマが注連縄を岩戸の入口に張り、「もうこれより中に入らないで下さい」と言った。
(at that time , at the request of bruno taut , a german architect who designed this villa , he gave various advice as to japanese style construction as a supervisor ) (この時、この邸宅の設計者であったドイツ人建築家ブルーノ・タウトに請われ、日本的な様式に関して工事監理者として様々な助言を行った)