- (人)から送られた親切{しんせつ}な[丁重{ていちょう}な?心のこもった]手紙{てがみ}に感謝{かんしゃ}する
thank someone for the heartwarming communication 意味
- "thank someone for the fine visit he arranged to" 意味
- "thank someone for the good news in his recent letter of" 意味
- "thank someone for the good wishes" 意味
- "thank someone for the gracious communication" 意味
- "thank someone for the gracious letter" 意味
- "thank someone for the heartwarming letter" 意味
- "thank someone for the hospitality he extended on one's recent visit" 意味
- "thank someone for the invitation to present the message" 意味
- "thank someone for the lovely lunch in" 意味
- "thank someone for the gracious communication" 意味
- "thank someone for the gracious letter" 意味
- "thank someone for the heartwarming letter" 意味
- "thank someone for the hospitality he extended on one's recent visit" 意味