thank someone for the heartwarming communication 意味

  • (人)から送られた親切{しんせつ}な[丁重{ていちょう}な?心のこもった]手紙{てがみ}に感謝{かんしゃ}する



  1. "thank someone for the fine visit he arranged to" 意味
  2. "thank someone for the good news in his recent letter of" 意味
  3. "thank someone for the good wishes" 意味
  4. "thank someone for the gracious communication" 意味
  5. "thank someone for the gracious letter" 意味
  6. "thank someone for the heartwarming letter" 意味
  7. "thank someone for the hospitality he extended on one's recent visit" 意味
  8. "thank someone for the invitation to present the message" 意味
  9. "thank someone for the lovely lunch in" 意味
  10. "thank someone for the gracious communication" 意味
  11. "thank someone for the gracious letter" 意味
  12. "thank someone for the heartwarming letter" 意味
  13. "thank someone for the hospitality he extended on one's recent visit" 意味

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