the absolute 意味

発音を聞く:   the absoluteの例文
  • the absolute


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. what you have to do is start at the absolute basic .
  2. the absolute worst of the worst , nationwide .
    最悪中の最悪のものを リストアップしました
  3. i travel light , carrying only the absolute essentials .
    私は身軽で 必需品だけを従え
  4. getting the absolute cheapest way to do something
  5. mm , her scent is the absolute truth .
    ふーん 彼女の香りは 絶対カルバンクラインのトゥルースよ



  1. "the absence of an interpreter complicated our difficulties" 意味
  2. "the absence of fingerprints posed a puzzle to investigators" 意味
  3. "the absence of maps puts serious difficulties in the way of all travelers in the area" 意味
  4. "the absence of medical care has caused a resurgence of once-controlled diseases" 意味
  5. "the absence of oxygen reduces deterioration" 意味
  6. "the absolute 1" 意味
  7. "the absolute edge" 意味
  8. "the absolute essentials" 意味
  9. "the absolute extremes of heat and cold" 意味
  10. "the absence of medical care has caused a resurgence of once-controlled diseases" 意味
  11. "the absence of oxygen reduces deterioration" 意味
  12. "the absolute 1" 意味
  13. "the absolute edge" 意味

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