it's located solidly on the meridian of misery . "凍死"より少々南側 "憂いの海"にポツンと浮かんでいる
there he is exiting the meridian hill station a few minutes later . メリディアン ヒル駅で下車 あの2〜3分後に
in 1999 appeared as shin-chunagon (new vice counselor of state ) tomomori (taira no tomomori ) in " shigosen no matsuri " (the rite of the meridian ). 1999年 『子午線の祀り』で、新中納言知盛役
as to the length of a degree of the meridian , he calculated it was 28 .2-ri (about 110 .74km ), a quite accurate figure compared even with today ' s measurements . なお、子午線1度の長さについては28.2里(約110.74キロメートル)と算出し、今日の計測値と較べても極めて誤差の少ない数値となっている。
the meridian passes over the old yakuno town office , with sightseeing spots such as oe-yama mountain range known for the shuten-doji ogre legend , fukuchiyama-jo castle of mitsuhide , motoise-jinja shrine; additionally the sl exhibition hall is known as ' railroad city ' and related events are held here . 旧夜久野町役場には子午線が通り、酒呑童子の鬼伝説で知られる大江山や光秀の福知山城などの観光スポットだけでなく、元伊勢神社や「鉄道のまち」としてSL資料展示館や関連イベントがある。