the opening(s) (e.g., in a game of go or chess) 意味

  • the opening(s) (e.g., in a game of go or chess)



  1. "the opening speech will be by mr. wilson"の英語
  2. "the opening theme of this symphony"の英語
  3. "the opening was a gala affair, attended by the king and queen"の英語
  4. "the opening was narrow, but i managed to squeeze through"の英語
  5. "the opening words of a poem"の英語
  6. "the opera company will play an engagement here beginning tomorrow"の英語
  7. "the opera house stands on an open site amid beautiful surroundings"の英語
  8. "the opera is to be given again next month"の英語
  9. "the opera was backed up by the plausibility of the acting"の英語
  10. "the opening was narrow, but i managed to squeeze through"の英語
  11. "the opening words of a poem"の英語
  12. "the opera company will play an engagement here beginning tomorrow"の英語
  13. "the opera house stands on an open site amid beautiful surroundings"の英語

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