the satire bit deeply 意味

  • その風刺は猛烈に効いた.


        satire:     satire n. 風刺; 風刺作品. 【動詞+】 The book is a satire aimed at the enervated rich of Tinseltown. この本は金ピカの町ハリウッドに住むやる気の失せた金持ちを風刺した作品だ write (a) satire 風刺(作品)を書く. 【+動詞】 The satire bit dee
        see where one is and where one is going a little bit more deeply:    自分{じぶん}がいる場所{ばしょ}とこれから行く場所{ばしょ}についてもう少し深く考える
        deeply:    deeply 熟 つくづく 倩 せん つらつら 泌み泌み しみじみ
        deeply into:    《be ~》~に深く入り込んでいる、~にひどく夢中になっている、~に深くはまりこんでいる
        aim a satire at:    (人)にあてつけを言う
        bent for satire:    皮肉好きな傾向{けいこう}[性格{せいかく}]
        biting satire:    痛烈{つうれつ}な風刺{ふうし}
        bitter satire:    痛烈{つうれつ}な風刺{ふうし}
        clever satire:    巧みな風刺{ふうし}
        effective satire:    効果的{こうかてき}な風刺{ふうし}
        mild satire:    軽い風刺{ふうし}
        miss the satire:    皮肉{ひにく}に気が付かない、皮肉{ひにく}と受け取らない
        political satire:    政治風刺{せいじ ふうし}
        pungent satire:    鋭い風刺{ふうし}
        scathing satire:    手厳しい{てきびしい}風刺{ふうし}


  1. "the satellite has been injected into its orbit" 意味
  2. "the satellite has made several orbits" 意味
  3. "the satellite is operated by remote control" 意味
  4. "the satellite monitors compliance with the treaty" 意味
  5. "the satellite orbits the earth above the equator" 意味
  6. "the satisfaction of an ambition" 意味
  7. "the satisfaction of one's grosser appetites" 意味
  8. "the satsuma rebellion" 意味
  9. "the saturation point" 意味
  10. "the satellite monitors compliance with the treaty" 意味
  11. "the satellite orbits the earth above the equator" 意味
  12. "the satisfaction of an ambition" 意味
  13. "the satisfaction of one's grosser appetites" 意味

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