when he was 36 , kakuban laid eyes on the then current situation of koya-san mountain , which is sohonzan (the head temple ) of shingon sect . 36歳のとき覚鑁は真言宗総本山である高野山の現状に眼を止める。
especially he often visited kenkado ' s house and read and obtained knowledge from then current books shipped from china while helping his publishing business . 特に蒹葭堂宅に出入りし出版事業を手助けしながら、中国から舶載された当時最新の書籍に触れ知見を広める。
since the period of the northern and southern courts , discrimination between " nainai " and " tozama " was created according to the closeness to the then current emperor . 南北朝期以降堂上家のなかに、時の天皇との親疎により内々・外様の区別が出来た。
as we can see from the fact that he assumed the position of kunaikyo from 1522 to 1537 , he positively acted not only as an onmyoji (master of yin yang ), but also as a close advisor to then current emperor gonara . 大永2年より天文6年(1537年)まで宮内卿を務めたことでも分かるように、陰陽師としてだけでなく当時の後奈良天皇の側近としても活躍していた。
according to the new timetable revised in october of 1970 , just after expo ' 70 , newly born special rapid trains were put into operation interspacing the then current timetable , so that some local trains were forced to shunt at ashiya , shin-osaka , takatsuki to let both the new rapid and rapid trains to pass . 万博終了後の1970年10月ダイヤ改正で新快速が誕生したが、既存のダイヤの隙間に新快速を増発したため、芦屋、新大阪、高槻で緩行が新快速、快速を連続待避するダイヤとなった。