there-and-back mission 意味

  • 着陸後帰還{ちゃくりく ご きかん}する任務{にんむ}


        information brought back by the job mission:    派遣団{はけんだん}が持ち帰った情報{じょうほう}
        report the mission's success back to one's boss:    戻って任務の成功をボスに報告する
        mission:     mission n. 使命, 任務; 〔軍事〕 特命, 任務; 使節, 使節団; 派遣; 伝道, 布教; 布教本部; 大使館. 【動詞+】 Without a moment's hesitation he accepted the mission. 少しもためらわずにその使命を引き受けた accomplish a mission 使命を果たす It has
        on a mission:    《be ~》任務{にんむ}を負っている、懸命{けんめい}になっている、頑張っている
        on a mission to:    ~という任務{にんむ}を負って、~するという使命{しめい}のために
        with the mission of:    ~の任務{にんむ}を負って
        accomplish a mission:    使命{しめい}を果たす、任務{にんむ}を達成{たっせい}[遂行{すいこう}?完了{かんりょう}]する What is the mission that they are expected to accomplish? We're not accomplishing any mission.
        air mission:    出撃隊{しゅつげき たい}、出撃任務{しゅつげき にんむ}、出撃機
        antiaircraft mission:    対空任務{たいくう にんむ}
        beginning of mission:    運用開始{うんよう かいし}◆【略】BOM
        believe in the mission of:    ~の使命{しめい}を信じる
        buying mission:    買付使節団{かいつけ しせつだん}
        category of mission:    任務区分{にんむ くぶん}
        charged with the mission of:    《be ~》~の任務{にんむ}を託される
        civilizing mission:    教化{きょうか}する使命{しめい}


  1. "there's still some unfinished business to settle" 意味
  2. "there's the final whistle. the match is over" 意味
  3. "there's time for a quick warm-up" 意味
  4. "there's too much noise; i can't hear a thing" 意味
  5. "there, there, my little treasure" 意味
  6. "thereabout" 意味
  7. "thereabouts" 意味
  8. "thereafter" 意味
  9. "thereafter no trace of the documents could be discovered" 意味
  10. "there's too much noise; i can't hear a thing" 意味
  11. "there, there, my little treasure" 意味
  12. "thereabout" 意味
  13. "thereabouts" 意味

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