this is the army 意味

発音を聞く:   this is the armyの例文
  • {映画} : 陸軍中尉◆米1943


  1. because this is the army and you always go early .
    陸軍の行動は 常に早いですからね
  2. this is the army bayonet from the swedish army , 1850
  3. because this is the army .


        army:     army n. 陸軍; 軍, 軍隊; 大群. 【動詞+】 photographers who accompanied the army in Vietnam ベトナムに従軍したカメラマン They advanced the army up to new positions. 新しい陣地へと軍隊を進めた The army was arranged for b
        in the army:    入隊{にゅうたい}して、陸軍軍人{りくぐん ぐんじん}になって
        (army) division:    (army) division 師団 しだん
        (army) engineer:    (army) engineer 施設 しせつ
        (army) nurse:    (army) nurse 看護 かんご
        (army) provisions:    (army) provisions 兵糧 兵粮 ひょうろう
        a small army of:    かなりの数の
        active army:    現役(陸)軍
        advancing army:    前進{ぜんしん}する軍隊{ぐんたい}
        an army:    an army 一軍 いちぐん
        army act:    陸軍法{りくぐん ほう}
        army and navy:    army and navy 陸海軍 りくかいぐん
        army ant:    軍隊{ぐんたい}アリ
        army area:    軍管区{ぐんかんく}
        army artillery:    軍砲兵隊{ぐん ほうへいたい}


  1. "this is strictly secret" 意味
  2. "this is supposed to be a healthy drink" 意味
  3. "this is the absolute minimum i am prepared to accept" 意味
  4. "this is the accepted text" 意味
  5. "this is the affection that i have so long sought for" 意味
  6. "this is the authoritative book on this subject" 意味
  7. "this is the best consolation i can offer" 意味
  8. "this is the best edition of his works" 意味
  9. "this is the best method i know of" 意味
  10. "this is the accepted text" 意味
  11. "this is the affection that i have so long sought for" 意味
  12. "this is the authoritative book on this subject" 意味
  13. "this is the best consolation i can offer" 意味

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