this school 意味

  • this school


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. this school is often covered by the media .
  2. with regards to the teachers of this school
    もともと この高校にいた先生方は どうなるんですか?
  3. what's a yankee like him doing in this school ?
    何で あんなヤンキーが うちみたいな進学校に
  4. a cruel , irrational death that took place at this school .
  5. this school was in the same district as gintama high
    銀魂高校と 同じ学区にありながら➡


        -school:    -school 校 こう
        a school:    a school 学び舎 まなびや 一派 いっぱ
        at school:    学校{がっこう}で、授業中{じゅぎょう ちゅう}で She is one of the most popular students at school. 彼女は学校で最も人気のある生徒の一人だ。
        in school:    学内[校内]で[に]、在学中で、学校に行って Are you in school? 学生さんですか?
        not in school:    《be ~》学校{がっこう}に行ってない
        of the school:    《be ~》流れをくむ
        on a school:    学校のある日に
        school:    1school n. (1) 学校; 練習所, 教習所; 教室; 授業; 全校生徒. 【動詞+】 accredit a school (一定の基準を満たしていると)ある学校を認可する He attended school for three years. 3 年間通学した She attends Jackson High School. ジャクソン高校に
        school in:    ~を教え込む、~を覚えさせる
        after school cram school:    
        after-school cram school:    塾
        school after school:    多くの[多数の]学校(で次々と) Shortage of teachers is a pattern that is repeating itself in school after school. 教師不足は学校で次々と繰り返されるパターンである。
        (enrolled) in school:    (enrolled) in school 在学 ざいがく
        (school) catalog:    (school) catalog 一覧 いちらん
        (school) subject:    (school) subject 科目 課目 かもく


  1. "this scene was shot on location in rome" 意味
  2. "this scene will not stage well" 意味
  3. "this scheme is already too complex to bear any further modification" 意味
  4. "this scheme should produce a lot of money" 意味
  5. "this scholarship has been established to venerate the memory of our first principal" 意味
  6. "this school aims to provide a good education for your son or daughter" 意味
  7. "this school cannot admit pupils from other districts" 意味
  8. "this school has reached its third quarter-century milestone" 意味
  9. "this school will give its pupils a thorough foundation in mathematics" 意味
  10. "this scheme should produce a lot of money" 意味
  11. "this scholarship has been established to venerate the memory of our first principal" 意味
  12. "this school aims to provide a good education for your son or daughter" 意味
  13. "this school cannot admit pupils from other districts" 意味

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