- 直接関係{ちょくせつ かんけい}のある者たち
those directly concerned 意味
- "those daring young men in their jaunty jalopies" 意味
- "those days are gone, alas" 意味
- "those days are long gone" 意味
- "those days are now irretrievably past" 意味
- "those desiring fuller information on…are requested to apply to…" 意味
- "those discriminated against" 意味
- "those dispatched from a parent company" 意味
- "those early machines were solidly constructed" 意味
- "those elected" 意味
- "those days are now irretrievably past" 意味
- "those desiring fuller information on…are requested to apply to…" 意味
- "those discriminated against" 意味
- "those dispatched from a parent company" 意味