to a degree 意味

発音を聞く:   to a degreeの例文
  • {1} : ある程度{ていど}は
    {2} : 〈話〉大いに、かなり


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. the evidence that was omitted 5 months ago are showing to a degree .
  2. and they can still move to a degree after regaining human form ...
    巨人化を解いた後も ある程度動けるタイプだとすれば
  3. that new york city , to a degree
    ニューヨーク市が 私の存在を
  4. that new york city , to a degree
    ニューヨーク市が 私の存在を
  5. and they have perfected that to a degree far beyond what we can imagine .
    それは 我々の想像を越えるレベルまで達しています


        a degree:    a degree 一籌 いっちゅう
        degree:    degree n. (1) 程度; 身分; 親等; 度. 【動詞+】 He gave me the third degree because I was ten minutes late for work. 《口語》 仕事に 10 分遅れたために彼にこっぴどく文句を言われた We had five degrees of frost last night. 《英》 昨夜
        degree of:    ある程度の、一定{いってい}の
        in a degree:    幾分か、少しは
        in no degree:    決して~しない
        to such a degree that:    (that 以下)という程度まで
        to that degree:    to that degree あんなに 其れ程 それほど あれだけ
        to the degree of:    ~の程度{ていど}まで
        (degree of) difficulty:    (degree of) difficulty 難しさ むずかしさ
        (degree of) freshness:    (degree of) freshness 鮮度 せんど
        (university) degree:    (university) degree 学位 がくい
        180 degree:    {形} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {副} :
        180-degree:    {形} : 180度の、正反対{せいはんたい}の -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {副} : 180度に、正反対{せいはんたい}に
        absorption degree:    absorption degree 吸収度[機械]
        academic degree:    学位{がくい}


  1. "to a considerable extent" 意味
  2. "to a crisp" 意味
  3. "to a crumb" 意味
  4. "to a dangerous level" 意味
  5. "to a day" 意味
  6. "to a degree that exceeds one's tolerance" 意味
  7. "to a distance" 意味
  8. "to a distance of 2 earth radii" 意味
  9. "to a dot" 意味
  10. "to a dangerous level" 意味
  11. "to a day" 意味
  12. "to a degree that exceeds one's tolerance" 意味
  13. "to a distance" 意味

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