on may 22 , they launched a full-scale attack by order of saigo and in june they gained control of the area where the incident took place , continuing to advance on their territory . 5月22日に西郷の命令を受けて本格的な制圧を開始、6月には事件発生地域を制圧して現地の占領を続けた。
in may , yoshisada nitta , who had already returned to kozuke province , raised his army in ikushina-jinja shrine , and his forces started to advance on kamakura heading westward on tosan-do road . 5月、上野へ帰った新田義貞は生品神社において挙兵し、東山道を西進して鎌倉進撃を開始した。
in 1568 , under orders from yoshiaki ashikaga , nobunaga oda began to advance on the capital , but when nobunaga asked the rokkaku family to provide a contingent of troops , they refused and fought a battle against oda ' s troops . 永禄11年(1568年)、織田信長が足利義昭を奉じて上洛を開始すると、信長の援軍要請を拒絶して織田軍と戦った。