to become a monk 意味

発音を聞く:   to become a monkの例文
  • to become a monk


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. he did not chose to become a monk , but he made great cultural achievements especially in buddhism .
  2. he passed the state oral exam in 814 and left to become a monk the following year , when he was 21 years old .
  3. he , however , disliked to become a monk , escaped from kyoto in 1600 and became a ronin (lordless samurai ) in edo .
  4. on october 20 , takatsugu surrendered the castle , and then he went to onjo-ji temple to become a monk and went up to mt . koya .
    9月14日 (旧暦)に降伏開城した高次は園城寺に入り、剃髪して高野山に上った。
  5. the gyaku-en also refers to the act of criticizing buddhism first and yet being led to become a monk all the more for the criticism .


        become a monk:    修道士になる
        become a buddhist monk:    僧侶になる
        monk:     monk n. 修道士, 修道僧. 【動詞+】 It is not the habit which makes the monk. 《諺》 僧を作るのは僧衣ではない 《中身が大切だ》. 【+動詞】 When a monk enters a monastery, he must give up worldly thoughts. 修道士は修道院に入るときにすべての世
        ascetic monk:    禁欲的{きんよくてき}な修道士{しゅうどうし}、修行僧{しゅぎょう そう}
        black monk:    (黒衣の)ベネディクト会士
        buddhist monk:    僧侶{そうりょ}、坊さん
        cloistered monk:    修道院住まいの修道士{しゅうどうし}
        depraved monk:    depraved monk 破戒僧 はかいそう
        franciscan monk:    フランシスコ会修道士{かい しゅうどうし}
        molly the monk:    〈豪俗〉酔っぱらって◆【語源】drunk の押韻俗語
        monk seal:    《動物》モンクアザラシ
        monk shoes:    マンクストラップシューズ
        monk's cell:    修道者{しゅうどうしゃ}の庵室{あんしつ}
        monk's cloth:    モンクス?クロス
        novice monk:    見習い僧、修道誓願{しゅうどう せいがん}を立てる前の修練者{しゅうれん しゃ}


  1. "to beckon (to)" 意味
  2. "to become" 意味
  3. "to become a dependent on" 意味
  4. "to become a habit" 意味
  5. "to become a member" 意味
  6. "to become a prostitute" 意味
  7. "to become a prostitute (sink into a brothel)" 意味
  8. "to become a slave of a habit" 意味
  9. "to become absorbed in" 意味
  10. "to become a habit" 意味
  11. "to become a member" 意味
  12. "to become a prostitute" 意味
  13. "to become a prostitute (sink into a brothel)" 意味

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