to blunt 意味

  • to blunt


  1. mist hiding ... this is going to blunt vision of the revolving eyes
    《霧隠れ... これで輪廻眼の 視界を鈍らせるつもりですね》
  2. if you put in an iron nail with a sharp point , there is danger that you ' ll get injured when you stir it , so it is necessary to blunt it for safety .


        blunt:     blunt adj. ぶっきらぼうな, そっけない. 【副詞】 He was disagreeably blunt. 不快なほどそっけない態度を取った She has an offensively blunt way of speaking. 彼女のしゃべり方は無礼なほど愛想がない He thanked us in his typically blunt
        to be blunt:    ずばり[はっきり?ぶちあけて?率直{そっちょく}に]言えば[申し上げますと]
        be dull (blunt):    be dull (blunt) 切れが悪い きれがわるい
        blunt a knife:    ナイフを切れなくする
        blunt about:    《be ~》~について率直にものを言う Now, let me be blunt about this.
        blunt angle:    鈍角
        blunt assertion:    率直{そっちょく}に主張{しゅちょう}すること
        blunt at the tip:    《be ~》先端{せんたん}が丸い
        blunt avowal:    素っ気{そっけ}ない公言{こうげん}
        blunt blade:    鈍い刃
        blunt chisel:    鈍いのみ
        blunt confession:    率直{そっちょく}な告白{こくはく}
        blunt curette:    鈍匙{どんひ}
        blunt disapproval:    はっきりとした不支持{ふ しじ}
        blunt dissection:    鈍的切開{どんてき せっかい}


  1. "to blow up (i.e. wind)" 意味
  2. "to blow upon" 意味
  3. "to blow violently" 意味
  4. "to bluff" 意味
  5. "to blunder" 意味
  6. "to blur" 意味
  7. "to blurt out" 意味
  8. "to blush" 意味
  9. "to board" 意味
  10. "to bluff" 意味
  11. "to blunder" 意味
  12. "to blur" 意味
  13. "to blurt out" 意味

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