as a weapon to rival servants of a hatamoto samurai , they ordered iron kiseru to wear . そこで旗本奴に対抗するための武器として総鉄製の煙管を造らせ、これを携帯していた。
on the other hand , " imakagami " (the mirror of the present ) praised myoun by stating that ' there will not another zasu to rival him for a long time to come .' 一方、『今鏡』は「世の末におはしがたい」座主として高い評価を与えている。
emperor go-daigo ' s son prince morinaga , who also coveted the title of seii taishogun , gradually came to rival takauji , and plotted to assassinate him , but takauji ' s security was so tight that he failed to do it . 後醍醐天皇の皇子であり同じく征夷大将軍職を望んでいた護良親王は尊氏と対立し、尊氏暗殺を試みるが尊氏側の警護が厳重で果たせなかった。
furthermore , in the late kamakura period , temples tightened the control as honjo (proprietor or guarantor of manor ) over the shoen and its surrounding areas to rival samurai , and as the rules of honjo , jiin-ho were introduced , providing the authority for a honjo law at shoen . 更に鎌倉時代後期に入ると武家側と対抗するために寺社を本所とする荘園の一円支配が強化され、荘園における本所法の典拠として本所である寺院の寺院法が用いられた。