to run off 意味

発音を聞く:   to run offの例文
  • to run off


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. decided to run off and get a job in paris , right ?
    兄さんが 勝手に パリで就職決めたから
  2. the little one had a tendency to try to run off the track
  3. although it was rather rude of you to run off like that ...
    逃げ出すなんて 失礼だったけど
  4. who'd be crazy enough to run off any of your cattle ?
    あなたの牛に手を出す イカれ野郎がいるとは?
  5. i'm not going to run off , but i did think it was free
    逃げはしないんだけど タダだとは思ってたよ。


        run off:    {句動-1} : 走り去る、逃げ去る、逃げ出す、家出{いえで}する、駆け落ちする、追い払う、追い出す、立ち去らせる He ran off with the money. 彼はお金を持って逃走した。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : ~から流れ去る、は
        run off into:    ~の中に逃げ込む
        run off with:    ~を持って逃げる、(人)と駆け落ちする
        run-off:    run-off 決選 けっせん
        angle of run off:    angle of run off 逃げの角[機械]〈96B0176:ねじ加工工具用語〉
        chamfer of run off:    chamfer of run off 逃げ部の面取り[機械]〈96B0176:ねじ加工工具用語〉
        coefficient of run-off:    coefficient of run-off 流出係数[機械]
        drop of run off:    drop of run off 逃げの落ち量[機械]〈96B0176:ねじ加工工具用語〉
        flood run-off:    flood run-off 高水流出量[機械]; 高水量[機械]
        height of run-off:    height of run-off 流出高[機械]
        high-water run-off:    high-water run-off 高水流出量[機械]; 高水量[機械]
        lead off home run:    
        lead-off home run:    《野球》先頭打者{せんとう だしゃ}ホームラン
        length of run off:    逃げ部の長さ
        margin has run off:    担保切れ


  1. "to run high" 意味
  2. "to run instead of walk" 意味
  3. "to run into" 意味
  4. "to run into (a building)" 意味
  5. "to run mad after a girl" 意味
  6. "to run on a curtailed schedule" 意味
  7. "to run or operate (a restaurant)" 意味
  8. "to run or operate a business" 意味
  9. "to run out" 意味
  10. "to run into (a building)" 意味
  11. "to run mad after a girl" 意味
  12. "to run on a curtailed schedule" 意味
  13. "to run or operate (a restaurant)" 意味

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