took 意味

発音を聞く   tookの例文
  • {動} : take の過去形


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. a woman who took a different fork in the road .
  2. he walked to the board , took up a piece of chalk
    彼は黒板に歩み寄り チョークを手にして
  3. he walked to the board , took up a piece of chalk
    彼は黒板に歩み寄り チョークを手にして
  4. meaning , pay for the life you took with your own ?
    奪った命は 命で返せってことですか?
  5. she took care of you so you could keep working .
    毎日働けるよう あなたの面倒を見てくれて



  1. "toodle pip" 意味
  2. "toodle-oo" 意味
  3. "toodle-pip" 意味
  4. "toodleoo" 意味
  5. "toodlepip" 意味
  6. "took all one's blessings for granted" 意味
  7. "took her sable" 意味
  8. "took in music with one's mother's milk" 意味
  9. "took it in good faith and for value" 意味
  10. "toodleoo" 意味
  11. "toodlepip" 意味
  12. "took all one's blessings for granted" 意味
  13. "took her sable" 意味

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