torture someone into confession 意味

  • (人)を責め立てて白状{はくじょう}させる


        confession made under torture:    拷問{ごうもん}による自白{じはく}
        put someone to torture:    《put [subject] ~ to (the) torture》(人)を拷問{ごうもん}にかける
        put someone to water torture:    (人)を水責めにする
        subject someone to torture:    《put [subject] ~ to (the) torture》(人)を拷問{ごうもん}にかける
        torture someone into confessing:    (人)を責め立てて白状{はくじょう}させる
        accept someone's confession as:    (人)の告白{こくはく}を~として受け止める
        according to someone's confession:    (人)の供述{きょうじゅつ}によると
        credibility of someone's confession:    (人)の自白{じはく}の信憑性{しんぴょうせい}
        hear someone's confession:    (人)のざんげ[告解{こっかい}]を聞く
        surprise someone into a confession:    (人)を驚かせて白状{はくじょう}させる
        coerce someone into making a false confession:    (人)に虚偽{きょぎ}の自白{じはく}を強要{きょうよう}する
        in torture:    《be ~》苦悶する
        to torture:    to torture 焼きを入れる やきをいれる 苛む さいなむ 攻め苛む 責め苛む せめさいなむ 捩る ねじる
        torture:     1torture n. 拷問; 苦痛. 【動詞+】 carry out torture 拷問を行なう employ torture on sb 人に拷問を用いる If they are caught they face possible torture. もし捕えられれば拷問にさらされることもありうるだろう Rather than face
        confession:     confession n. 告白, 自白, 自供; 〔カトリック〕 告解; 自認. 【動詞+】 beat a confession out of a suspect 容疑者から自白を引きだす The police inspector's skillful interrogation brought about a confession. 警視正の巧みな尋問によって自


  1. "torture oneself about" 意味
  2. "torture oneself with the thought that" 意味
  3. "torture prisoners" 意味
  4. "torture someone in the bathtub by using scalding hot water" 意味
  5. "torture someone into confessing" 意味
  6. "torture test" 意味
  7. "torture the child as a punishment" 意味
  8. "torture victim" 意味
  9. "torture-victim" 意味
  10. "torture someone in the bathtub by using scalding hot water" 意味
  11. "torture someone into confessing" 意味
  12. "torture test" 意味
  13. "torture the child as a punishment" 意味

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