treaty of peace and amity between the united states and japan , 1854 , treaty of kanagawa , united states 日米和親条約 1854年 神奈川条約 米国
the treaty of peace and amity consisted of 12 provisions , written in both chinese and japanese . 修好条規は12款で構成され、条文は漢文と日本語で書かれた。
at first he was on the side of the opening of japan and supported the policy of conclusion of japan-u .s . treaty of peace and amity . 当初は開国論に立って日米和親条約締結派であった。
at first he was on the side of the opening of japan and supported the policy of conclusion of japan-u .s . treaty of peace and amity . 当初は開国論に立って日米和親条約締結派であった。
however , in the next year , masayoshi hotta , who had become the head of roju replacing abe , concluded the japan-u .s . treaty of peace and amity with the united states . しかしながら、翌年、阿部に代わり老中首座となった堀田正睦が中心となってアメリカとの間で日米和親条約を締結してしまった。