trim off dead leaves
nip off dead leaves
: 枯れ葉を摘み取る
snip off dead leaves
: 枯れ葉を切り取る
dead leaves
: 枯れ葉
to trim off
: to trim off 剪み切る 挟み切る はさみきる
trim off
: トリミングする、切り取る、切り落とす
drift of dead leaves
: 落葉の集まり
get rid of the dead leaves
: 落ち葉を取り除く
rake up dead leaves
: 枯れ葉をかき集める
scrape together the dead leaves
: 枯れ葉をかき集める
sweep up dead leaves
: 枯れ葉を掃き集める
cart away all the dead leaves
: 枯れ葉をすべて運び去る
scatter dead leaves over the pavement
: (木が)舗道{ほどう}に枯れ葉をまき散らす[舗道一面{ほどう いちめん}に枯れ葉を落とす]
trim branches off a tree
: 木から枝を切り取る
trim off fat
: 脂身{あぶらみ}を切り取る
trim off the branches of a tree
: 木の枝を下ろす
"trim meat" 意味
"trim meter (gauge)" 意味
"trim movement" 意味
"trim nostril hair" 意味
"trim off" 意味
"trim off excessive fat" 意味
"trim off fat" 意味
"trim off the branches of a tree" 意味
"trim off the fat from a beef steak" 意味
"trim nostril hair" 意味
"trim off" 意味
"trim off excessive fat" 意味
"trim off fat" 意味
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