trip someone up on his wording
trip up someone on his alibi
: (人)のアリバイを崩す
trap someone in his wording
: 言葉尻{ことばじり}をとらえる
trip someone up with his own words
: (人)の言葉尻{ことばじり}をとらえる
take time to fill up with gas before someone start his trip
: 出発前{しゅっぱつ まえ}にガソリンを満タンにする
accompany someone on his trip to europe
: (人)のヨーロッパ旅行にお供する
assist someone on his lovely trip to
: (人)が~へ素晴{すば}らしい旅をする際に役に立つ[手を貸す]
while someone is away on his trip
: (人)が旅行{りょこう}に出掛けている間(に)
trip up someone by logic
: (人)を論理的{ろんりてき}にやりこめる
trip up someone's heels
: (人)をつまずかせる
accompany someone on his first overland trip through
: (人)の 車[陸路{りくろ}]での~初縦走旅行{はつ じゅうそう りょこう}に同行{どうこう}する
ask someone to extend his trip to visit
: (人)に出張期間{しゅっちょう きかん}の延長{えんちょう}を頼み~を訪問{ほうもん}してもらう
extend one's kindness to someone on his trip to
: (人)の~旅行{りょこう}の折に何かと親切{しんせつ}にする
force someone to cancel his planned trip
: (主語のため)(人)が予定{よてい}していた旅行{りょこう}をキャンセルせざるを得ない
one of the first things someone does upon returning from his trip
: (人)が旅行{りょこう}から戻ってまず最初{さいしょ}にすることの一つ
thank someone for all his help during one's recent trip to
: 先般{せんぱん}の~旅行{りょこう}の際にいろいろ力添えしてくれた(人)に対して礼を言う
"trip restriction" 意味
"trip rider" 意味
"trip round the world" 意味
"trip sb with a rope" 意味
"trip signal" 意味
"trip someone up with his own words" 意味
"trip spear" 意味
"trip test" 意味
"trip the heels of" 意味
"trip sb with a rope" 意味
"trip signal" 意味
"trip someone up with his own words" 意味
"trip spear" 意味
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