trip someone up with his own words
trip someone up on his wording
: 言葉{ことば}の揚げ足{あげあし}を取る
trip up someone on his alibi
: (人)のアリバイを崩す
make someone clean up his own room
: (人)に自室{じしつ}を掃除{そうじ}させる
take time to fill up with gas before someone start his trip
: 出発前{しゅっぱつ まえ}にガソリンを満タンにする
to quote someone's own words
: (人)自身{じしん}の言葉{ことば}を引用{いんよう}すると
leave someone on his own
: (人)をひとりぼっちにする
accompany someone on his trip to europe
: (人)のヨーロッパ旅行にお供する
assist someone on his lovely trip to
: (人)が~へ素晴{すば}らしい旅をする際に役に立つ[手を貸す]
while someone is away on his trip
: (人)が旅行{りょこう}に出掛けている間(に)
make someone eat his words
: 前言{ぜんげん}を取り消させる、言ったことを後悔{こうかい}させる
trip up someone by logic
: (人)を論理的{ろんりてき}にやりこめる
trip up someone's heels
: (人)をつまずかせる
worked up by someone's words
: (人)の言葉{ことば}にグッとくる
accept someone at his own valuation
: (人)の値打ちを本人の言うままに受け取る
arrest someone for his own protection
: 保護検束する
"trip rider" 意味
"trip round the world" 意味
"trip sb with a rope" 意味
"trip signal" 意味
"trip someone up on his wording" 意味
"trip spear" 意味
"trip test" 意味
"trip the heels of" 意味
"trip the light fantastic" 意味
"trip signal" 意味
"trip someone up on his wording" 意味
"trip spear" 意味
"trip test" 意味
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