they were well respected . they were known . よく知られ 尊敬されていました
now , i'm getting to understand that your husband was a well respected man around here , mrs denning . 今になって わかってきました ご主人は この町の住民たちから 非常に尊敬されていた
since katatoyo was regarded as the top of senior vassals and well respected as described above , this feud (the pretext why yoshiharu killed katatoyo being feigned to be bureiuchi (death penalty by sword slash for rudeness )) led up to distrust of yoshiharu among the feudatory of rokkaku clan in connection with the trouble of reigns of the both families of rokkaku clan and sasaki clan , the latter being rokkaku clan ' s root . 賢豊は前述したように重臣の筆頭格であり人望も厚かったから、この事件(義治が賢豊を討ち取った名目は無礼討ちとされていた)は、佐々木六角氏の家督問題と関係して六角家臣団の義治に対する不信を持たせることにつながった。