- (人)が旅行{りょこう}に出掛けている間(に)
while someone is away on his trip 意味
- "while sitting in the bathtub" 意味
- "while sitting in the comfort of one's home" 意味
- "while sleeping" 意味
- "while someone is alive" 意味
- "while someone is away" 意味
- "while someone is convalescing" 意味
- "while someone is dillydallying" 意味
- "while someone is doing other thing" 意味
- "while someone is enjoying the beach" 意味
- "while someone is alive" 意味
- "while someone is away" 意味
- "while someone is convalescing" 意味
- "while someone is dillydallying" 意味