win a game at chess 意味
practice the game of chess: チェスの練習{れんしゅう}をする
win a game: 競技に勝つ、試合に勝つ、勝負に勝つ
win win game:
win-win game: お互いに納得{なっとく}のいくような手
(playing) a game of go, shogi or chess, etc.: (playing) a game of go, shogi or chess, etc. 対局 たいきょく
record of a game of go, shogi, chess, etc: record of a game of go, shogi, chess, etc 棋譜 きふ
the opening(s) (e.g., in a game of go or chess): the opening(s) (e.g., in a game of go or chess) 序盤 じょばん
must win game:
must-win game: 負けられない[どうしても勝たなければならない]試合{しあい}[ゲーム]
resolve to win the game: どうしても試合{しあい}に勝とうと心に決める
win a game no matter what: 何が何でも試合{しあい}に勝つ
win a game of golf: ゴルフで勝つ
win almost every game: ほとんどすべての試合{しあい}に勝つ
win an important game: 大事{だいじ}な試合{しあい}に勝つ
win domain name game: ドメインネームの競争{きょうそう}で勝つ