with a brush 意味

発音を聞く:   with a brushの例文
  • ひとはけで


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. or what if , instead of painting with a brush
  2. you killed your father with a brush !
    あなたは 絵筆で 父親を殺した!
  3. in the old days he was depicted as a figure writing something on a scroll with a brush .
  4. he was good at painting bamboos with a brush using indian ink , and had interests in literary persons and studies .
  5. nobutane was also a skillful calligrapher and poet , and was often asked to conduct kigo (write with a brush ).


        at a brush:    一挙に
        brush:     1brush n. はけ, ブラシ; 筆; (つかの間の)接触, 小ぜりあい; 〔電気〕 刷子(さっし), ブラシ. 【動詞+】 He applied his brush carefully. 画筆を慎重に用いた draw a brush through one's hair 髪にブラシをかける Fill your brush with paint.
        brush by:    かすって通る
        brush on:    {名} :
        brush-on:    {名} : 刷毛{はけ}[ブラシ]を用いて使うもの、刷毛{はけ}[ブラシ]で塗るもの◆塗料や上薬などのこと。
        to brush:    to brush 払う はらう 磨く みがく 掃く はく
        air brush:    《印刷》エアブラシ◆【同】aerograph
        air-brush:    air-brush エアブラシ[その他]
        angular brush:    アンギュラ?ブラシ
        antistatic brush:    帯電防止{たいでん ぼうし}ブラシ
        artist's brush:    artist's brush 画筆 がひつ 彩管 さいかん
        as daft as a brush:    ひどいばかで
        at the first brush:    最初{さいしょ}に
        auxiliary brush:    補助{ほじょ}ブラシ
        ayre brush:    Ayre brush エアーブラシ[医生]


  1. "with a broad grin" 意味
  2. "with a broad host range" 意味
  3. "with a broad smile on one's face" 意味
  4. "with a broad spectrum of" 意味
  5. "with a broken marriage behind" 意味
  6. "with a bump" 意味
  7. "with a bundle on one's shoulder" 意味
  8. "with a buoyant step" 意味
  9. "with a business sense" 意味
  10. "with a broad spectrum of" 意味
  11. "with a broken marriage behind" 意味
  12. "with a bump" 意味
  13. "with a bundle on one's shoulder" 意味

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