with a high water 意味

  • 水分{すいぶん}が[汁気{しるけ}の]多い、水分含有量{すいぶん がんゆうりょう}が高い、多汁{たじゅう}な、みずみずしい


  1. and also , in japanese food culture , eating utensils such as spoon (or chirirenge [ceramic spoon ]) are not used when they eat food with a high water content , therefore , this eating style causes them to drop food more often .


        at high water:    満潮時に
        high water:    high water 満潮 まんちょう 増水 ぞうすい 豊水 ほうすい
        high-water:    {形} : (ズボンなどが)異常{いじょう}に[極端{きょくたん}に]短い、つんつるてんの
        above high-water mark:    高潮線{こうちょうせん}より上の
        at the high water line:    満潮時に
        below high-water mark:    高潮線{こうちょうせん}より下の
        between hell and high water:    〈俗〉困り果てて
        come hell and high water:    たとえ火の中水の中、どんな困難{こんなん}[試練{しれん}]にも負けずに、何事{なにごと}があろうとも、何が何でも Come hell or [and] high water, I will finish this assignment. どんな試練にも負けず、私はこの任務を遂行してみせる。
        come hell or high water:    たとえ火の中水の中、どんな困難{こんなん}[試練{しれん}]にも負けずに、何事{なにごと}があろうとも、何が何でも Come hell or [and] high water, I will finish this assignment. どんな試練にも負けず、私はこの任務を遂行してみせる。
        estimated high-water discharge:    estimated high-water discharge 計画高水流量[機械]
        estimated high-water level:    計画高水位{けいかく こうすいい}
        extra high water level:    
        extra-high water level:    異常高水位{いじょう こう すいい}
        have a high water content:    水分含有量{すいぶん がんゆうりょう}が高い
        hell and high water:    地獄{じごく}と洪水{こうずい}、極めて困難な状況、苦境{くきょう}


  1. "with a high proportion of" 意味
  2. "with a high rate of preservation of" 意味
  3. "with a high regard for" 意味
  4. "with a high stopping power for" 意味
  5. "with a high sugar" 意味
  6. "with a high water content" 意味
  7. "with a higher content" 意味
  8. "with a higher risk of" 意味
  9. "with a higher specific gravity than" 意味
  10. "with a high stopping power for" 意味
  11. "with a high sugar" 意味
  12. "with a high water content" 意味
  13. "with a higher content" 意味

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