- 身を捨てて、必死{ひっし}になって、命に代えても、身をていして
with one's life 意味
- "with one's leave"の英語
- "with one's legs crossed"の英語
- "with one's legs dangling"の英語
- "with one's legs giving way"の英語
- "with one's legs spread apart to about shoulder level"の英語
- "with one's lips closed tight"の英語
- "with one's many outside interests and responsibilities"の英語
- "with one's many years of experience in"の英語
- "with one's mind at ease"の英語
- "with one's legs giving way"の英語
- "with one's legs spread apart to about shoulder level"の英語
- "with one's lips closed tight"の英語
- "with one's many outside interests and responsibilities"の英語