- 控えめに(話す)遠慮{えんりょ}して(話す)、自分{じぶん}を抑えて(行動{こうどう}する)
with reserve 意味
- "with repeated medication, tolerance to the drug develops" 意味
- "with replacement" 意味
- "with resentment" 意味
- "with reservation" 意味
- "with reservations" 意味
- "with residents' views taken into account through public involvement" 意味
- "with resigned apathy" 意味
- "with resolution" 意味
- "with resolution before adult life" 意味
- "with reservation" 意味
- "with reservations" 意味
- "with residents' views taken into account through public involvement" 意味
- "with resigned apathy" 意味