she was also known as a woman of great beauty . また絶世の美女として知られていた。
on this boat are koman who is given the nickname dakki (ancient chinese woman of great beauty who was murdered ) and sendo sangoro sasanoya . この舟には妲妃と異名をとる小万と船頭笹野屋三五郎が乗っている。
tamamo no mae (may be written with a few different sets of chinese characters ) was an imaginary woman of great beauty which was the transformed figure of the hakumenkinmokyubi no kitsune (white-faced , golden-haired , and nine-tailed fox ) that served emperor toba at the end of the heian period . 玉藻前(たまものまえ。玉藻の前・玉藻御前と紹介されることもある)は平安時代末期、鳥羽天皇に仕えた白面金毛九尾の狐が化けた架空の絶世の美女。
she was already extremely well known as a woman of great beauty in those days and after her lord , yukinaga konishi was defeated in the battle of sekigahara and decapitated together with mitsunari ishida at rokujo-gawara , kyoto city , ieyasu tokugawa , who had instantly liked her incomparable beauty and intelligence , took her to the o-oku of sunpu-jo castle , and since then , she directly served ieyasu as a waiting woman and was much loved by him . 当時より既に絶世の美女として世にはなはだ名高く、主君行長が関ヶ原の戦いに敗れて、石田三成とともに京六条河原で斬首された後、おたあの類稀な美貌と才気を見初めた徳川家康によって駿府城の大奥に身柄を召し上げられ、家康付きの侍女として側近く仕え、家康の深い寵愛を大いに受けた。