- be equivalent to the logic operation EXCLUSIVE OR
and演算になる: be equivalent to the logic operation AND
or演算になる: be equivalent to the logic operation OR
exclusive or演算になる: be equivalent to the logic operation EXCLUSIVE OR
xor演算に相当する: be equivalent to the logic operation EXCLUSIVE OR
論理和演算になる: be equivalent to the logic operation OR
論理積演算になる: be equivalent to the logic operation AND
排他的論理和演算になる: be equivalent to the logic operation EXCLUSIVE OR
ご破算になる: fall through
xor: XOR {略} : exclusive OR 排他的{はいたてき}OR、排他的論理和{はいた てき ろんりわ}
and演算に相当する: be equivalent to the logic operation AND
exclusive or演算に相当する: be equivalent to the logic operation EXCLUSIVE OR
or演算に相当する: be equivalent to the logic operation OR
渋滞になる可能性を計算に入れる: allow for the possibility of heavy traffic
論理和演算に相当する: be equivalent to the logic operation OR
論理積演算に相当する: be equivalent to the logic operation AND