captain can you get a message to the scientist and his zealot girlfriend ? 船長 あの科学者と"彼女"に 伝言を頼めるか?
over the past year their leader , a dissident named syrran ... has become a dangerous zealot . この1年で、彼らのリーダーである 反体制派のシランが危険な狂信者となった
the origin of his name ' kyozo ' (literally meaning devil ' s advocate ) came from chapter 13 shiro , volume 17 of rongo; confucius says , ' if you cannot be a friend of a man of common sense with no shortcoming , then make friends with either a devil ' s advocate or a moral zealot , because devil ' s advocates often study hard and moral zealots are very unlikely to be tempted by a desire .' 「狂三」の名前の由来は、論語・巻第七 子路第十三の「不得中行而与之、必也狂狷乎、狂者進取、狷者有所不為也(中行を得てこれに与せずんば、必ずや狂狷か、狂者は進みて取り、狷者は為さざる所あり)」から