もともとは~を指す: originally refer to
図星を指す: 図星を指す ずぼしをさす to hit the nail on the head to guess exactly right
将棋を指す: play shogi
方を指す: bear on〔~の〕
方向を指す: 方向を指す ほうこうをさす to point to a direction
暗に~を指す: be hidden references to
鼻を指す: point at one's nose〔日本では自分のことを表す〕
長針が_を指す: the long hand is on the __
へぼ将棋を指す: play a poor game of shogi
ドアの方を指す: point to door
対面を指す言葉: word for face
平手で将棋を指す: play a game of shogi with no handicap
親指で胸を指す: point at one's chest with one's thumb
シンガポールなどを指す: Asian tigers
手拍子で悪手を指す: make a bad move on the spur of the moment