- It was a tragic irony that he was killed in a traffic accident a few days after he had acquired the fine Ferrari.
交通事故で死ぬ: 1. be killed in a traffic accident 2. die in a traffic accident 3. get killed in a car crash 4. meet one's end in the traffic accident
彼は交通事故に遭った2日後に亡くなった。: He died two days after he was involved in a car crash.
彼は車の事故で死んだ: He was killed in a car accident.
交通事故です!: An accident has happened!《旅/助けを求める》
交通事故で被ったけが: injury sustained in an automobile accident
交通事故で被った障害: injury sustained in an automobile accident
交通事故で負ったけが: injury sustained in an automobile accident
交通事故で負った重傷: serious injuries incurred in a traffic accident
交通事故で負った障害: injury sustained in an automobile accident
抗議行動がやんだのはそれから数日後だった: It was several days before the protests died down.
アイロニー: アイロニー irony
7人が自動車の破壊事故で死んだ: 7 people died in automobile wrecks.
私を除いて、家族全員が事故で死んだ。: The whole family died in the accident, except me.
交通事故では助手席が最も危険である。: The passenger seat is the most dangerous place to be in a traffic accident.
それは痛ましい状況だった: It was a rueful state of affairs.