- lightness in that heavy spacesuit
宇宙服を着る: wear a spacesuit
宇宙服を着るのはどんな感じですか?: What is it like to wear a space suit?
僧服を着て: in the garb of a priest
制服を着て: dressed in a uniform
喪服を着て: 1. dressed in black 2. in black 3. in the livery of grief
官服を着て: wearing one's official robes
平服を着て: out of livery
洋服を着て: dressed in Western style
軍服を着て: in uniform
ぼろ服を着て: dressed in rags
作業服を着て: 1. dressed in fatigues 2. in working garb
修道服を着て: in one's nun's habit
服を着ている: have clothes on
服を着てみる: put on the dress for size
白い服を着て: dressed in white