- Well, it's just like the proverb "fine feathers make a fine bird". You look really good when you wear a suit.
馬子にも衣装: 馬子にも衣装 [馬子にも衣裳] 1 Fine clothes make the man. =Tailor makes the man.(ことわざ)) (見出しへ戻る headword ? 衣装) 馬子にも衣装 2 Fine clothes make the man.(ことわざ)) ; The tailor makes the man.(ことわざ)). (見出しへ戻る headwo
馬子にも衣装。: 1. Clothes make the man. 2. Fine feathers make fine birds. 3. The tailor makes the man.《諺》 馬子にも衣装 1 tailor makes the man 馬子にも衣装 2 Fine clothes make the man.《諺》
馬子にも衣装 1: tailor makes the man 馬子にも衣装 2 Fine clothes make the man.《諺》 馬子にも衣装。 1. Clothes make the man. 2. Fine feathers make fine birds. 3. The tailor makes the man.《諺》
衣服が人を立派に見せる。/馬子にも衣装。: Apparel makes the man.
着ると格好いい: cut [make] a good figure in〔~を〕
あの人を見てごらんよ。格好いいじゃん: Look at the guy. He is shagadelic.
「隣に座ってる子のこと何か知ってる?格好いいじゃん」「知らない。彼に話かけてあげようか?」: "Know about the guy sitting next to you? He's so cute." "No, you want me to talk to him?"
あらまー!格好いいわー!: Oh my goodness! You look great!〔親→子(子どもが学校の制服を初めて着たときなど)〕
まさに~とはこのことだ: talk about〔命令形で〕
おまえの新しいジャケット、すげぇ格好いいじゃん: Your new jacket is phungky, dude!
うーん… まあまあじゃない?私はそんなに格好いいとは思わなかったけど。: Uh... He's OK. I didin't find him that attractive, though.
いいじゃん: 【形】 stack〔 【用法】 皮肉で逆の意味に使うことも〕
けがの功名とはこのことだ。: Talk about pulling the fat out of the fire.
この世で格好いい人は彼だけじゃない。周りを見てごらんよ。格好いい人は他にもいる。: Why do you think he's the only nice-looking man in the world? Look around, there are plenty of other fish in the sea.
そのスーツ、なかなか格好いいよ。: You look pretty sharp in that suit.