- 1. think nostalgically of bygone days
2. think of bygone days
ありし日: ありし日 ありしひ days of yore the olden days during one's lifetime
はじをしのぶ: はじをしのぶ 恥を忍ぶ to abide one's shame
ありし日のこと: thing of the past
ありし日の事ども: things of the past
こじんをしのぶ: こじんをしのぶ 故人を偲ぶ to think of the dead
亡き子をしのぶ歌: 【曲名】 Kindertotenlieder〔独語◆マーラー作による管弦楽伴奏付きの連作歌曲〕
今は亡き~をしのぶ: commemorate the deceased
しのぶ: しのぶ 忍ぶ to conceal oneself to hide to endure 偲ぶ to recollect to remember
戦没者の労苦をしのぶ: recall the hardships endured by those who died in the war
在りし日: 在りし日 ありしひ days of yore the olden days during one's lifetime
こいしのぶ: こいしのぶ 恋い忍ぶ to live on love
たえしのぶ: たえしのぶ 堪え忍ぶ 耐え忍ぶ to put up with to endure to bear patiently
ここ数日をしのぐ金: money to tide over the next few days
在りし日の姿: the way it was [used be]
過ぎ去りし日: days gone by