- I'm with you to a degree.
私と同感ですか?: Are you with me? {2}
あなたと同じ意見です。: 1. I agree with you 100%. 2. I have [share] the same opinion. 3. You have just said what I was trying to say.
あなたと同意見です: 1. I don't have any comments. 2. I share your opinion.
あなたの懸念については私も全く同感です: I echo your concerns completely.
同感です: 1. I share the same view. 2. I'm with you.〔相手の意見や気持ちに対して強く同調するときの砕けた表現〕 同感です。 1. I agree. 2. I can feel for you. 3. I'm like you.
ある程度はあなたに賛成します。: I agree with you up to a point.
全く同感です: I'm completely in agreement with you. 全く同感です。 I would totally agree with you.
全く同感です。: I would totally agree with you. 全く同感です I'm completely in agreement with you.
あなたと同じものでいいですよ: Whatever you fix for yourself will be fine.《希望を聞かれて》
この点では私はあなたと同じ意見です: I agree with you on this point.
その点ではあなたと同意見です。: 1. I'm with you on that point. 2. I'm with you on that.
検閲する権限がある程度ある: have limited powers of censorship
同感である 1: 1. feel the same way 2. have the same sentiments 同感である 2 share one's feelings〔人と〕
あなたの主張には同感できない。: I don't agree with your claim.
同感です。/賛成です: I'll second that.