~への(人)の態度のあいまいさ: ambiguity of someone's attitude toward 情報のあいまいさ: ambiguity of information 言葉のあいまいさ: obscurity of someone's remarks〔人の〕 言語のあいまいさ: amphibology ある程度の: 1. a certain level of 2. a measure of 3. certain degree of 4. certain measure of 5. degree of 6. healthy sprinkling 人と付き合う: meet people 直接~と付き合う: interact directly with あいまいさ: あいまいさ 曖昧さ ambiguity アナログのあいまいさ: analog fuzziness 語の意味のあいまいさ: word-sense ambiguity 責任の所在のあいまいさ: ambiguity over where responsibility lies ~のあいまいさをなくす: 【他動】 disambiguate 悪友と付き合う: keep bad company 悪漢と付き合う: consort with a rogue 異性と付き合う: relate to the opposite sex