合計_カ所の修正を求める: request a total of __ changes 教科書に対して一連の修正を求める: demand a series of modifications to the text 憲法修正を求める: seek a constitutional amendment 法典に対するいくつかの最初の修正: the first several amendment to the document さらなる修正を求める: seek further revisions いくつか重要案件について(人)に助力を求める: request someone's help with a few matters of significance いくつかの 1: a number of いくつかの 2 【形】 1. divers 2. several 3. some 4. sundry 憲法改正を求める: want the Constitution revised ほかのいくつかの: several other 中学校の歴史教科書について修正を求める: propose changes in junior high school history textbooks ~の修正を促す: prompt someone to revise〔人に〕 いくつかの例では: in several cases いくつかの土地: few pieces of land いくつかの場所で: in several locations いくつかの忠告: several pieces of advice