安楽いすに(人)を座らせる: sit someone down in the easy chair どこかのいすに座らせて説教をする: sit someone down at a chair somewhere and tell him off〔人を〕 ひざに座らせる 1: sit someone on one's lap〔~を〕 ひざに座らせる 2 hold someone in one's lap〔人を〕 aとbの間に座らせる: place ~ between〔人を〕 aをbの隣に座らせる: put A next to B ~の向かいに座らせる: seat someone opposite〔人を〕 いすに座る: 1. seat oneself in a chair 2. seat oneself on a chair 3. sit on a chair 座らせる 1: set down 座らせる 2 【他動】 seat 座らせる 3 1. make someone sit 2. put someone in a seat〔人を〕 座らせる〔~に〕: 【他動】 sit aを追い出してbを後釜に座らせる: expel A and put B in its place 身をこわばらせていすに座る: sit rigidly in one's chair 再び座らせる: 【他動】 reseat いすに楽に座る: sit comfortably in a chair 勝手にいすに座る: help oneself to chair 安楽いすに座る: sit in a chair