be available for an interview at someone's earliest convenience
都合の良い時にいつでも: at any time that is convenient for〔人の〕 いつでも(人)の都合の良い日時に: on whatever day or at whatever time is convenient to 都合の良い時にいつでも喜んで会う: be glad to see someone at any time most convenient to〔人の〕 _月_日で(人)の都合の良い時にちょっと会いたい: wish to meet someone briefly on __ at any time convenient for ご都合の良い時に: at your convenience 都合の良い時に 1: 1. at a convenient moment 2. at a convenient time of day 3. at an opportune juncture 4. at one's leisure 都合の良い時に 2 at a time convenient to〔~にとって〕 都合の良い時に 3 at one's convenience〔~の〕 いずれ双方の都合の良い時に: at some mutually convenient time in the near future お互いに都合の良い時に: at some mutually convenient time ちょうど都合の良い時に: at the most opportune moment 都合の良い時: good time いつでも都合のいい時にお金を返してください。: Pay me back whenever it's convenient. 次回の~訪問の際に互いに都合の良い時に(人)と会う: meet someone at some mutually convenient time during one's next visit to 都合の良い時間に: at a time most convenient for〔人の〕 (主語)の都合のいい時に(人)に意見を伝える: furnish someone with one's comments at one's convenience (主語)の都合のいい時に(人)に意見を述べる: furnish someone with one's comments at one's convenience