Don't get too close or too hostile to Government officials.
優れた従者は、主人とはつかず離れずでいなければならない。: A good servant should never be in the way and never out of the way. 即かず離れずの態度: 即かず離れずの態度 つかずはなれずのたいど neutral attitude 付かず離れず: 付かず離れず つかずはなれず indecision 裸の付き合いをしている: have a completely open relationship with〔~とは〕 人との付き合い: social thing 人との付き合い方: people skills 人付き合いをしない: 1. build a wall around oneself 2. maintain one's privacy 3. remain private 4. shut oneself up 親類同然の付き合いをしている: 1. associate with someone as if they were relatives 2. be just like family の付き合いを楽しむ: enjoy socializing with〔人と〕 彼とは10年来の付き合いだ。: I have known him ten years. 彼は人付き合いをしない人だから、デートに誘うな: He is out of circulation, so don't ask him for a date. 他人との付き合い方を学ぶ: learn how to mix with others 離れず付き合う: maintain a cautious distance from〔~とつかず〕 長年の付き合い: 長年の付き合い n. a companionship of many years (見出しへ戻る headword ? 長年) 仕事上の付き合いを越えて: more than the professional contact