If you want to make money, you need to spend money.
お金をもうける: 1. make a lot of money 2. shake the money tree 私たちは子どものことをあれこれ評価するならば、実際にお金を賭けなければなりません。もっと教育にお金を使う必要があります: If we value our children, we must put our money where our mouth is. We need to put more dollars into education. お金を使う: open one's wallet 彼にお金を払う必要があるのに、実は今、私は文なしだ: Although I need to pay him money, as it is now, I am broke. にお金を使う: blow money on〔ばかなこと〕 必要以上のお金を使う: spend an excessive amount of money on〔~に〕 派手にお金を使う: 1. be lavish with money 2. splash out 金をもうけたら: 1. if one's ship comes home 2. when one's ship comes home [in] お金をもうけるためにここに来ている: be out here to make money 民法上の賠償金を払う必要がある: require damages to be paid in accordance with the Civil Code ありもしないお金を使う: spend money that isn't even there〔クレジットカードなどで〕 さまざまにお金を使う: spend one's money in different ways すっかりお金を使う: run through all one's money 気前よくお金を使うこと: liberal spending 衝動に負けてお金を使う: give in to impulsive spending