- It is I who give the orders here.
命令を下す 1: 1. give [issue] the command 2. give a command 3. give orders 4. give the word 5. hand down an order 6. say the word 命令を下す 2 give the word to〔~する〕 命令を下す 3 fling someone a command〔人に〕
攻撃命令を下す: give the order to attack〔~への〕
爆撃命令を下す: order the bombing raid
退却命令を下す: give the command to retreat
進軍の命令を下す: 進軍の命令を下す しんぐんのめいれいをくだす to give a marching order
部下に命令を下す: issue orders to a subordinate
決断を下すのは政府だ。: This is the matter for the government to take a decision.
決断を下すのはあなたです。: The decision is yours.
電話で命令を受ける: receive an order by phone
命令を下達する: send down an order
道徳上の決断を下すのは時に難しいものがある: It's sometimes difficult to make a moral decision.
ここでの滞在期間はごくわずかなので判断を下す資格はない。: I've only been here a very short time, so I'm not really fit to judge.
決定を下すのに1日必要だ: I'll need a day to make a decision.
診断を下すのに役立つ: be useful in making the diagnosis
ボブ、ここで決着済みの話を蒸し返すのはやめようよ: Bob, come on, let's not beat [whip, flog] a dead horse here.