この品物は売れ行きが好調なので: since [because, as] this product is in good demand 売れ行きが好調である: enjoy large sales 売れ行きが好調だ: have an excellent sale for〔~の〕 _月になっても~の売れ行きが好調である: Sales of ~ do well even in ご要望の品物はすべて在庫があります: All the items requested are in stock. かなりの需要: fair demand _月になっても~の売れ行きが好調に推移している: Sales of ~ do well even in この種の仕事には十分な[かなりの]経験があります。: I've got good experience in this type of work. 売れ行き好調だ: be in good demand 好調な売れ行き: 1. favorable sales 2. healthy sales 好調な売れ行きの: in great demand _月になっても~の売れ行きが順調である: Sales of ~ do well even in 売れ行きがいい: 1. command a large sale 2. find a large sale 売れ行きが悪い: have poor selling 売れ行きが良い: 1. be a large sale 2. be much in demand 3. command a good sale 4. command a good selling 5. meet with a ready sale