It's got me stumped so I now bring my quest to you.
君に任せるよ: I'll leave it in your hands. 決めるのは君だ。/君に任せるよ。: You're the doctor. あとは(人)の想像に任せる: let someone imagine the rest 君に任せるよ。前回は僕が決めたから、今回は君の番だよ。: It's up to you. I decided last time, so now it's your turn. 数学はお手上げだ: I'm clueless about math. お手上げである: give up 君に任せるよ。/仰せのとおりに。: You're the cook. 私はお手上げの状態だ。: I'm thinking of throwing up my hands. お手上げ: お手上げ おてあげ all over given in given up hope bring to knees お手上げだ: 1. I have to give up. 2. be done for 3. have had it 4. have had one's chips お手上げで: up a (gum) tree お手上げの: 【副】 desperately この質問には私がお答えします。: I'll take this question. 後のことは~に任せる: leave the rest up to 時計の修理を君に任せるよ。後で取りにくるね。: I'll leave you to fix the clock. I'll come back for it later.