酔っぱらいを外に放り出す: throw the drunk out
いすに放り出す: toss ~ on the chair〔~を〕
たちどころに放り出す: throw someone out on his ear〔人を〕
掃き集めたごみをごみ箱に放り込む: throw the sweepings in the garbage can
ごみを外に出す: take the garbage out
玄関の外に(人)を放り出す: bundle someone out of the front door
放り出す: 放り出す ほうりだす to throw out to fire to expel to give up to abandon to neglect
放り出す 1: 1. chuck in 2. chuck off 3. chuck out 4. fling out 5. kick out 6. sling out〈俗〉 7. toss out 8. turf out 放り出す 2 【他動】 1. dump 2. fling 放り出す 3 throw out〔~から〕 放り出す 4 1. bundle out 2. give ~ the deep
放り出す〔人を〕: 【他動】 bundle
前に放り出される: be hurled forward
…から放り出す: toss ~ out of〔~を〕
全部放り出す: toss out the whole thing
生ごみ入れに放り込む: dump in someone's garbage can〔人の〕
ごみを出す: 1. produce garbage 2. put out the garbage 3. take out the garbage 4. take out the trash
船外に: 【副】 overboard