- ability to get along with different kinds of people
他人とうまくやっていく: get on easily with others
ほかの人とうまくやっていく: 1. go [swim, run] with the flow [tide, stream, current] 2. swim [go, move] with the tide [flow, stream, current] of the times / move with the crowd
両方とうまくやっていく: get on with both sides
同僚とうまくやっていく: get on well with one's fellow workers
彼には、他人とうまくやっていく能力がある。: He has the ability to get on with people.
他の人たちとうまくやっていく: mix in with other people
うまくやっていく 1: 1. get on 2. get on well 3. get on with one another 4. go on 5. hack it 6. hit it off (well) 7. make out うまくやっていく 2 make a go of (it)〔関係を〕 うまくやっていく 3 1. get on swimmingly with 2. live with 3. spea
新しいルームメイトとうまくやっていく: get on well with one's new roommate
さまざまな人と出会う: meet different people
うまくやっていくこつを知っている: secret of getting along with〔人と〕
さまざまな人: 1. all sorts and conditions of men 2. all sorts of people
おせじを使ってうまくやっていく: oil one's way
私は姑とうまくやっている: I'm on good terms with my mother-in-law.
うまくやっていく術を学ぶ: learn how to cope
人間関係をうまくやっていく: get on with relationships